
Friday Sep 16, 2016
When You Need Somebody to Lean On
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Friday Sep 16, 2016
Join Dr. Culbreth for "When You Need Somebody to Lean On."
Description: Life happens to all of us and along with life comes the curve balls that can shake the inner fabric of your being to such a degree, that you find yourself needing somebody to lean on. Know that it is okay to lean on somebody when you need help.
- Inspiration
- Superiority vs. inferiority
- Adversity and setbacks
- Racism
- Respect
- Leaning
- A helping hand
- Dignity

Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Quality Education for Students of Color
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
The importance of students of color obtaining a quality education is crucial especially so in the millennium. As students begin another school year at all grade levels, it is important to remember that knowledge is not only power but it empowers students to reach higher ground,
- The Village
- Road Blocks
- Dreams
- Data
- S.U.C.C.E.S.S.
- College Ready
- A.R.I.
- Extra Curricular Activities
- Community Colleges
- Mentoring
- Good Choices

Thursday Aug 25, 2016
On Loving Yourself Unapologetically in the Pursuit of Happiness
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Thursday Aug 25, 2016
Journeys in the pursuit of happiness are often met with adversity, setbacks, haters and naysayers, the good, bad and ugly moments as well as moments of complete joy.
Join Dr. Culbreth as she discusses the value of defining yourself for yourself, the power within, and the importance of loving yourself unapologetically as you travel on your journey in the pursuit of happiness.

Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Rising to the Top in 2016 (Personally, Professionally and Socially)
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Are you prepared to make 2016 your best year ever? Have you identified personal, professional and social goals that will lift you to higher ground in 2016? Are you stagnated by toxic negative people, jobs, or situations? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired of the same old issues, drama, situations or people? It’s time for a change. Time to change the way you think, live, and feel about your life, your job and/or the people in your inner circle. In 2016 begin living a fulfilling and significant life, accomplish your goals, and turn your dreams into a colorful reality.
Dr. Donnamaria Culbreth, Executive Producer and Host of Complexity Talk Radio - Complexity Live focuses on Rising to the Top in 2016. Learn about the power within and how to live with passion and purpose in 2016 as you achieve great accomplishments. Write chapter 2016 in the book of your life as extraordinary!
Be the change needed in your life in 2016!
Read: Preparing for Great Accomplishments in 2016
Follow Keep Rising to the Top's blog at: Keep Rising to the Top!
Learn more about Dr. Donnamaria Culbreth

Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Refusing to Settle: Setting High Standards and Expectations
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Listen as Dr. Culbreth and guest, Ms. Sonia Renee Brown discuss Refusing to Settle: Setting High Standards and Expectations. The discussion focuses on refusing to settle, setting high standards and high expectations on three dimensions: Personal, Professional and Social; and how setting high standards and expectations (for self) make a difference in the lives of girls and women of color from the following perspectives: psychological, emotional, physical and social.
The discussion will be thought-provoking with final thoughts on setting high standards and expectations for yourself in 2016!

Sunday Nov 22, 2015
The Incarceration of Girls and Women of Color
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Join Dr. Culbreth and guests, Ms. Liz Alexander, Ms. Jaquala Yarbro and Ms. Chaundra Whitehead for a discussion on the incarceration of girls and women of color. Topics include the school to prison pipeline, sexual abuse, mental illness, families, and the over representation of girls and women of color in juvenile/prison complexes among other topics.

Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Psychic Prisons In The Workplace
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Are you dealing with drama in the workplace? Crabs in the barrel? Have you been thrown under the bus? Listen to Dr. Culbreth explain Psychic Prisons in the Workplace and strategies to deal with all of the DRAMA!
Thursday, September 3, 2015 at 8:00 pm EST
Complexity Talk Radio – Complexity Live
Listener Line: 914-338-1308 Call in to ask questions, comment or share
· Plato’s Cave
· Psychic Prisons & Ark
· Groupthink & Office Politics
· The Negative Grapevine
· Negative Cultures & Negative Nancy’s
· The Bitter Employee
· Racism & White Privilege
· Crabs in the Barrel & Colorism
· Pettiness, Envy and OPBS
· Bullies & Street Business in the Workplace
· Emotional Intelligence
· Incompetence, Professionalism, Ethics & ARI
· The Icarus Paradox
· The 20-70-10 Rule
· So you were thrown under the bus?
· Zero Tolerance & Taking Action
· The Culbreth 4D Approach
· Moving On

Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Factors Impacting The Development Of Black Girls
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
Sunday Nov 01, 2015
A plethora of factors impact the development of black girls including racism, colorism, education, negative stereotypes, identity issues, socioeconomic issues, opportunities, disparate treatment, invisibility and diversity and inclusion, recognition, and their voices among other factors.
Join Dr. Culbreth, Dr. Denise Davis-Maye and Ms. kYmberly Keeton for an eye-opening and thought-provoking discussion on the factors impacting the development of Black Girls and strategies to help them reach higher ground.

Thursday Oct 29, 2015
The Diversity of Girls and Women of Color (Standards of Beauty)
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
Thursday Oct 29, 2015
We live in a society that does not always embrace the diversity of girls and women of color. Research has thoroughly documented how negative stereotypes, negative perceptions, and standards of beauty do not include or embrace the diversity of girls and women of color.” (Culbreth, 2014)
“Low values placed on the worth and “self” with respect to voices, emotional needs, abilities, and physical attributes (hair, skin color, body image, and other phenotypes) affect the psychological, emotional, physical and social well-being of girls and women of color.” (Culbreth, 2014)
Join Dr. Culbreth and guests, Professor Celeste Atkins, Professor Latoya Lee and Dr. Julie Jung-Kim for a thought-provoking discussion on standards of beauty and how girls and women of color are treated disparately in society because of their skin color, race, hair, weight, etc. Topics will include colorism, racism, weight, body shamming, the foundation of beautiful among other topics and suggestions for moving forward.

Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Women of Color Breaking Down Race and Color Barriers
Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Race and color barriers are still issues that affect the overall well-being and advancement of women of color in the millennium. Join Dr. Culbreth and guests, Professor Charish Halliburton and Dr. Lata Murti for a thought-provoking discussion on race and color barriers that attempt to stagnate the well-being and advancement of women of color. Topics include racism, colorism, white privilege, white superiority, occupational sabotage, lack of respect, interracial and interracial diversity, the problem with tolerance, education, inequality, on being marginalized, invisibility, disparate treatment, film, media and music industries, intimidation, standards of beauty, among a plethora of topics. The highlight of the show will be our esteemed guests’ recommendations and strategies for breaking down race and color barriers.

Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Saturday Oct 17, 2015
Mental health is a hot topic in the media in light of recent events in society however discussion on how mental health issues affect girls and women of color is a topic that is rarely discussed openly.
Join Dr. Culbreth, Professor Charish Halliburton and Ms. Sonia Renee Brown for a discussion Taking Care of Our Health: Mental and Physical Health Issues Affecting Girls and Women of Color. Topics will focus on how racism and colorism affect mental health; identity, socioeconomics, culture, race, and ethnicity, poverty, violence and mental illness, girls of color and mental health in the classroom, peers, mental health and the workplace, stress or mental health issues, labels, professional women of color and mental health, professional help, resources and support, among a plethora of mental health issues. Topics involving physical health issues will include physical exams, major health issues affecting girls and women of color, and exercise.

Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Defying Negative Stereotypes About Girls and Women of Color
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
Saturday Oct 10, 2015
In celebration of the upcoming launch of the National Girls and Women of Color Council, Inc. Complexity Talk Radio – Complexity Live and the National Girls and Women of Color Council, Inc. are extending a warm invitation to everyone to join us for the Celebrating, Embracing, and Empowering Girls and Women of Color Talk Radio Series,
We live in a society that does not always embrace or value the diversity of girls and women of color. Sometimes girls and women of color are often perceived negatively, negatively stereotyped, negatively labeled because of the color of their skin or race. Join Dr. Culbreth and Dr. Jung-Kim and learn how to defy negative stereotypes and rise above the negativity.
Air date: Friday, October 9, 2015 at 8:00 pm EST

Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Women of Color: Perseverance, Passion and Purpose
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
Thursday Oct 08, 2015
In celebration of the upcoming launch of the National Girls and Women of Color Council, Inc. Complexity Talk Radio – Complexity Live and the National Girls and Women of Color Council, Inc. are extending a warm invitation to everyone to join us for the Celebrating, Embracing, and Empowering Girls and Women of Color Talk Radio Series,
Join Dr. Culbreth, Dr. Dannielle Joy Davis, Dr. Cassandra Chaney and Dr. Denise Davis Maye for Episode 2, Women of Color: Perseverance, Passion and Purpose.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 8:00 pm EST
Complexity Talk Radio-Complexity Live
Listener Line: 914-338-1308 Call in to listen live, ask questions, comment or share.
Link to listen live at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/complexitylive/2015/10/07/women-of-color-perseverance-passion-and-purpose
Yes, life happens and along with it comes the inconvenient issues, moments, or situations that can sometimes upset your balance. Learn to persevere, rediscover your passion, purpose and live with a renewed vision as you continue on your journey.
- Madam C. J. Walker
- Perseverance and women of color
- Trailblazers and torchbearers
- Women of color persevering
- Struggles, crisis, and transitions in life
- Personal Goals
- Career Goals
- Opportunities
- Living with passion in a sometimes passionate less society
- Finding your passion (journeys in life)
- Pursuing goals passionately
- Loving and living passionately
- Thriving, striving and surviving
- Living with purpose
- Loving with purpose
Dr. Dannielle Joy Davis
Dr. Dannielle Joy Davis is an Associate Professor of Higher Education at Saint Louis University. A graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, she has studied and conducted research in Ghana, South Africa, Senegal, Egypt, Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Her interdisciplinary research examines the experiences of marginalized groups in educational settings, the role of organizational policy and practice in the promotion or inhibition of egalitarian academic and occupational outcomes, and spirituality in the workplace and other learning environments. She has published over 40 refereed journal articles, book chapters, academic commentaries, volumes, and reviews. She is Co-editor of the books Black Women in Leadership: Their Historical and Contemporary Contributions (Peter Lang Publishing), Social Justice Issues and Race in the College Classroom: Learning from Different Voices (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.), and Intersectionality in Education Research (Stylus Publishing). Dr. Davis has served as an Associate Editor for Learning for Democracy: An International Journal of Thought and Practice, The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, and serves on the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Colorism Studies.
Dr. Denise Davis-Maye
Dr. Denise Davis-Maye, a licensed clinical social worker, is a native New York and transplant to Alabama – where she lives in the county where her paternal family has lived for 4 generations. She is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at Auburn University Montgomery. With over 21 years of experience in Social Work practice, Dr. Davis-Maye is an alumna of Clark Atlanta University. She completed graduate work at Hunter College of the City University of New York, and the University of Alabama. She has studied reproductive health issues of adolescents and the psychosocial development of African-American children. Her research interests include the cultural, community and familial impact on the emotional development of adolescent girls of African descent, health disparities and their influence on the well-being of women and girls of color. She conducts training on managing parental roles amidst multiple challenges and the management of emotional and physical health among African American women. Dr. Davis-Maye is a regular presenter at national and international conferences. She has published in the Journal of Children and Poverty, Affilia: The Journal of Women and Social Work, the Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, the Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services and the Journal of Social Work Education. Her co-edited book, What My Momma Gave Me: Conceptualizations of Womanhood was published in the Fall of 2013 and she is the co-host of The Mommy Chronicles on Blogtalk Radio.
Dr. Cassandra Chaney
Dr. Cassandra Chaney is an Associate Professor in Child and Family Studies at Louisiana State University (LSU). Dr. Chaney is broadly interested in the dynamics of African-American family life, yet under this umbrella her interests are focused on two main areas. Her primary research focuses on the narratives of African-Americans in dating, cohabiting, and married relationships, with a particular interest in relationship formation, maintenance, and stability. Dr. Chaney has published several sole and first-authored manuscripts in a variety of journals in the United States and abroad. She has also been invited to contribute chapters for several books relating to the topics of African American community sentiment regarding marriage, marriage promotion, strong Black marriages, and the racial experiences of Black professors at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). She recently published the co-edited the book Black Women in Leadership: Their Historical and Contemporary Contributions with Dr. Dannielle Joy Davis (Peter Lang Publishers) which explores the leadership experiences of Black women within macro level (such as education, industry, and social services) and micro level (such as family and individual churches) contexts. This interdisciplinary work examines leadership practices, highlighting the historical and current triumphs and barriers of Black women in these roles.
Website: Complexity Talk Radio

Friday Sep 25, 2015
The Culture of Ignorance
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Friday Sep 25, 2015
Join Dr. Culbreth for a commentary on what she has coined as the “Culture of Ignorance.” It is time to wake-up, stand-up, step-up and address the culture of ignorance, which continues to be the driving force responsible for the plethora of ills that continue to stagnate society. Will you take a stand? Where will you stand? With whom will you stand? On the side of equality, justice, and unity for all people or will you join the narrow-minded, illogical and biased members of society “consumed with immoral acts” (King) against the masses? We are at a crossroads in this country! Be a part of the change needed in this world!
· Defining the Culture of Ignorance
· Interracial and Intraracial Issues
· The Disparate Treatment of Black Women
· Religious Discrimination
· On Being Institutionalized
· Sugarcoating
· Workplace Issues
· At the Crossroads
· Standards of Beauty
· Insecurities/Inferiority Complex
· Be Heard
· You are a Superstar
· Stand or Fall
· The Awakening - People Get Ready
· Unity

Friday Sep 18, 2015
Set Yourself Up To Win
Friday Sep 18, 2015
Friday Sep 18, 2015
Join Dr. Culbreth for innovative strategies and tools that you can use to "Set Yourself Up To Win." When one door closes, another one eventually opens. Why wait for the next door to open? Join Dr. Culbreth for an enlightening focus on how you can "Set Yourself Up To Win" in style. The power is within you!
- Setting Yourself up to Win
- When One Door Closes
- The Old Stagnate Comfort Zone
- Standards and Expectations
- Accentuate the Positive
- Making Room
- Hurdles and Obstacles
- Child’s Play
- Personal Enrichment
- Build Your Empire
- Dream in Color
- Reach the Finish Line in Style
- Ready, Set, Go

Monday Aug 17, 2015
Living Your Dash in Style: Your Legacy of a Significant Life
Monday Aug 17, 2015
Monday Aug 17, 2015
The topics focus on living life to its fullest, pursing your dreams, rediscovering, reinventing and redefining you as you travel on your journey to the what next stage in life. Food for thought: Are you living a fulfilling life - one that will note your dash as extraordinary and significant? Are you happy? Do you know where you are going to?
· What Really Matters
· Living Your Dash in Style
· Rediscover, Reinvent and Redefine You
· Embracing the What Next Stage
· Celebrate, Embrace and Empower You
· Home
· Live Your Dream
· Do You Know?
· One Day at a Time
· Leave a Legacy of a Significant Life
· Ready, Set, Go

Friday Aug 07, 2015
Black Americans, Police Brutality and Race in the Millennium
Friday Aug 07, 2015
Friday Aug 07, 2015
Join Dr. Culbreth and Mr. Bobby Seale ( original 1966 Founding Chairman & National Organizer of the Black Panther Party) for a thought-provoking interview and discussion on Black Americans, Police Brutality and Race in the Millennium. A show that you do not want to miss. We will discuss the plethora of issues plaguing Black Americans in the millennium, killings of Black people, other people of color, and moving forward in unity.

Friday Jul 24, 2015
Friday Jul 24, 2015
Join Dr. Culbreth for People Get Ready: A Movement in Turbulent Times (Race, Color and Social Justice)
Thursday, July 23, 2015
8:00 pm EST
Complexity Talk Radio - Complexity Live
Listener Line: Call in to comment, share or ask questions: 914-338-1308
- Sandra Bland
- Sign of the Times
- Racism on the Rise?
- The Black Fight and White Flight
- Black Power and Black Pride: The Journey
- White Privilege and the Black Underprivileged
- Talked enough, Marched Enough: Where do we go from here?
- The Need for Strategic Organization of Movements
- People Get Ready
- Taking Action
- Racial Unity
- The Solution

Friday Jun 26, 2015
Define Yourself For Yourself
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Segment One
Meet two extraordinary women in business, Ms. Myra Rowan and Ms. Kristen Johnson, owners of Fly High With Me.
- Learn how to be successful and make extra income and/or design your dream vacation package.
Segment Two
Define Yourself for Yourself and Keep Rising to the Top. Join Dr. Culbreth for an intriguing segment on defining who you are.
- Define Yourself For Yourself
- The Abyss of OPD and Public Shaming
Your Identity
Validate Yourself
My Shoes
Let Them Talk
Be Bigger, Better and Bolder
Living Your Dream
Empower Yourself
Nothing Can or Will Stop You
Severing Ties and Moving On
Keep Rising To The Top
Segment Three
Where Do We Go From Here?
- The Status of Black America
- Race relations
- Moving forward
- The Unity Train

Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
The Complexity of Race, Color and Identity
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Tuesday Jun 16, 2015
Dr. Culbreth and Dr. Jung-Kim discuss the complexities of race, color and identity.